Wednesday, June 1, 2011

the neurosis begins...

A few weeks ago, the man and I signed a lease for a townhouse in the burbs *moment of silence*
Despite the fact that I'm leaving the city that I love, I'm in true domestic goddess form... obsessing over where all the furniture is going to go, what will arranged how and what needs to be purchased/sold/painted, etc. obsess, obsess, obsess. What can I say, I'm a planner. In fact, the day after our first viewing, I sketched a little floor plan from memory:

My drawing skills are mad-yo. I know.

I used my memory, and the photos we had been provided, but there were still things that were fuzzy. When we returned to sign the lease, I brought the camera, for all those places I had questions about. Once armed with additional information, I found a site online and created these:

Now, they still aren't perfect. I'm missing closets and my dimensions aren't totally correct. But for the basics, it totally works. I can use it to mentally arrange furniture (especially since I highlighted windows on the paper copies I printed). The current tenants are pretty awesome. The wife is admittedly as neurotic as I am and is happy to answer any questions I have (Is there an electrical outlet on that wall in the kitchen where you currently have a pantry?) and she's passed along some great information, such as avg. utility bills/highs and lows/ recycling etc. All super helpful in planning!
With less than 2 months to go, we're slowly buying new things and stashing them in our current place. We'll be upgrading some items (new dining table!) buying new stuff (new guest bed!) and re-purposing items in different rooms than that in which they are currently being used. There's lots of planning and brainstorming going on in our casa lately. But that's just the way I like it. I don't have time to be a "figure it out when we get there" kinda girl. Especially since I hate living in chaos... oh and did I mention my parents are coming for a visit like 2 weeks after we move? Yeah, there's that too.
So, if anyone out there is wondering where the heck I've been... chances are instead of blogging, I'm tossing around ideas on where to put the bookcases, dreaming of the extra kitchen storage I'll be building in the basement or I'm packing. Yes, I've already started. That's just how I roll.

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