Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm crushing...

I'm crushing hard, y'all.

I'm the first to admit, I hugged the newly painted accent wall more times than I can count. It's totally not for everyone, but to me, it's awesome.

Here's a before shot:

In progress:
And after:

Now, it's a little darker in person than it is on camera... though it does drastically change color depending on the lighting in the room. But seriously, I love it. It's cheerful and Awesome!

The next step of the process was to get rid of those "curtains" that were hanging in the living room. Oh, and the wooden rod from which they were hanging. Icks.  After much debate, I decided that custom curtains was the way to go. I ended up falling in love with this fabric, and totally scored it at 50% off.

At nearly $20 a yard, the sale really came in handy since I needed about 6 yards. Luckily, I have a friend who sews and even has a cute little portable sewing machine. I scooped her up, treated her to a pedicure for her troubles and brought her to my house for some sewing! 

Just an hour or so later... These beauties were hanging in my living room.

I only wish the pictures did it justice. But having a giant window, doesn't make it easy to take photos. 

I still need coordinating throw pillows. I have a couple of fabrics picked out thus far... 

I'm hoping someone can be bribed with a tasty dinner and a bottle of wine (to be had AFTER sewing pillows)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

oooooohhhhhh shiny!

The big bathroom fixture reveal is here!
New lighting fixture: excuse the wall around the fixture. the holes need to be fixed and smoothed and the whole bathroom needs to be repainted. baby steps, kids.
New guest towel rod:
New double towel rod: why do i absolutely love this thing?
New faucet
New shelving



Now, tell me that these fixtures aren't infinitely better! shiny shiny chrome and brushed nickle! Ditto all these things in the downstairs 1/2 bath minus the towel bars. There are wonderful hand towels too, but apparently I forgot to photograph them.
Obviously, there's more work to be done... but for now, i think: VAST IMPROVEMENT!

Total sidenote: I've become obsessed with Gladiolas lately. I recently picked up these gorgeous babies at the Farmer's Market over the weekend. The color is amazing and I'm totally in love with them. The end of summer is near and then we'll be plunging into the dark depths of winter... so I'm all about bringing the color of summer in for as long as I can!

so much to do... so little time

Seriously... the to-do list for the new place is L-O-N-G and I hate the feeling of not being settled, so I want it all done NOW! I admit, we've knocked out quite a bit so far...

Change bathroom fixtures:

replace both toilet seats
change both sink fixtures
½ bath towel bar replaced with towel ring
replace lighting strips
replace towel bar in upstairs bath
add 2nd towel bar upstairs
add towel hooks on bathroom door upstairs
replace tp holders

paint LR- accent wall and adjacent walls- touch ups needed
Paint bedroom walls Touch ups needed
paint dining room/kitchen
paint guest bedroom
paint upstairs bathroom
paint ½ bath
paint stairway to upstairs
paint stairway to basement
paint man cave

Master bedroom:
Add wall quote to wall
Hang photos
replace closet door knobs

Guest bedroom:
buy screws and replace knobs for closets
select photos for wall buy frames
hang poster (buy frame)
redo nightstand w/map

Stair way:
apply wall quote "M" to wall
hang photos

Living room:
curtains: fabric has been purchased, so it's like 1/2 done!  
knobs for closet
new end table
throw pillows: fabric has been purchased, so it's like 1/2 done!
clean upholstery on sofas
hang photos

hang decor
wine bottle/candle project
hang blinds over patio door
purchase spice racks

So it looks like a lot, right? It's overwhelming when I stare at the list. But, when I look closely, it's mostly just painting and decorating and that just takes time (especially since I keep changing my mind! oops!). I'm thinking the best course of action is just to start with one room, and do a little each day. I think I'll pick the guest room... maybe I'll do some painting tonight!

Monday, August 15, 2011

oh so ugly

It's been a busy busy weekend here in the new place. My parents flew up from Texas and upon their arrival, I handed a To-Do List over to my step-dad. Before you start thinking, I'm some kind of slave driver... let me just clarify. My step-dad hates Chicago. LOATHES IT. He finds the people unfriendly and the city much too busy. No matter how many times I informed him that we were no longer in the city, but were going to be living in the suburbs, he didn't care. He had zero desire to accompany my mother on her visit. That is, until I mentioned that I was hoping he could do a few things around the new place for me. Suddenly, he was game for a visit. This man goes insane if he goes to long without working, so my little list was like hog heaven for him.
Since we are renters, not owners, we're clearly limited to the things we can change. (We have no idea where we'll end up living long term and right now in this economy, we're not as comfortable with job security as we'd like to be before taking on a mortgage.) We've already slathered paint on a few walls (still some painting left- anyone wanna help?) and it made the space more personal. There's one thing I was really hating about the new place... and that was all the bathroom fixtures. I don't even know what metal they're made out of but I do know that they're anything but my style.

I've managed to lose some photos, but imagine a toilet paper holder that matches the faucet, a toilet seat that matches the light bar and some random white towel bars. Not only did these fixtures live in the main bathroom, but also the half bath on the first floor. *sigh*
I know there are people out there that think, "why pay money and change out fixtures when you're only renting?" My answer? When I can bring down the level of ugly in my living space, I do. A few hundred bucks to spruce up a place I'll be living in for at least 2 years... totally worth it in my mind, especially when the labor is free.
There's still some tidying up, hold patching, and painting  to do before the bathrooms are done... but I'll give you a sneak peek at the new fixtures...


because as I've just found out... walking around a huge Botanic Garden while simultaneously trying to make space on the memory card for more photos... not such a good idea.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

the dust has finally settled

It's been one full week since we've made the big move to the suburbs and I'd like to say the dust is finally settling around here. Sure there are still bins to be unpacked, walls to be painted, and photos to be hung... but we're getting there.

Today, I was finally able to display a project I started TWO months ago here.

Finally... they have a home:

The spot isn't totally done, but for now, it'll do!

The only other spot around the house that looks "finished" is our patio, which I'm totally in love with. It's so much bigger than our old deck and I enjoy being able to just sit outside with a drink and watch the hubs cook on the grill.

We've got more painting on the agenda for tomorrow, which should allow us to start decorating and getting things in place. My parents are coming on Thursday... maybe I'll just put them to work!