Saturday, August 6, 2011

the dust has finally settled

It's been one full week since we've made the big move to the suburbs and I'd like to say the dust is finally settling around here. Sure there are still bins to be unpacked, walls to be painted, and photos to be hung... but we're getting there.

Today, I was finally able to display a project I started TWO months ago here.

Finally... they have a home:

The spot isn't totally done, but for now, it'll do!

The only other spot around the house that looks "finished" is our patio, which I'm totally in love with. It's so much bigger than our old deck and I enjoy being able to just sit outside with a drink and watch the hubs cook on the grill.

We've got more painting on the agenda for tomorrow, which should allow us to start decorating and getting things in place. My parents are coming on Thursday... maybe I'll just put them to work!


  1. you've made so much progress! everything looks like it's straight out of a magazine. how are the burbs treating you?

  2. Looks great, mama! Put your parents to work! Crack that whip!
